The News Events dataset captures and categorizes significant events
reported in various news sources, including press releases, industry
news, blogs, and PR sites.
The News Events dataset captures and categorizes significant
events reported in various news sources, including press
releases, industry news, blogs, and PR sites. The dataset
includes details like the company involved, event category,
confidence level, and source information. Use Cases: Ideal for
tracking major company activities, market trends, and
identifying potential business opportunities or risks based on
public news.
The News Events dataset captures and categorizes significant
events reported in various news sources, including press
releases, industry news, blogs, and PR sites.
Real estate data is the data and information related to
the housing market. It covers information about the real
estates such as Home Value, Home sale as well as other
elements about the brokers, owners and investors making
the Real Estate ecosystem.
Product Data means information concerning prices and
quality of products. It is often used by companies to do
pricing analytics or gather insights on a category of
Corporate action data refers to information related to
events or activities that can have an impact on a publicly
traded company and its shareholders. These events are
initiated by the company's management or its board of
directors and can include actions such as dividends, stock
splits, mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, rights issues,
and more.