Leadniaga Partnerships

Leadniaga and Battlefin to add Global POI, firmographic and Historical Data Listings to the Ensemble Platform

Leadniaga is happy to partner with BattleFin by joining their Ensemble Data Platform. Try Ensemble for Free at https://www.battlefin.com/buyer/ensemble


In this partnership, Leadniaga will provide BattleFin Ensemble with high-level descriptions of our global POI, Firmographic and historical Business Datasets in over 70 countries.


BattleFin is the leading technology company focused on bringing unique alternative data to corporations, hedge funds and investment firms.


Leadniaga is the leader in Global Business and Consumer Data sourcing with a focus on POI, Firmographic and historical Data.


About the Speaker

Max Wahba founded and created Leadniaga in September 2020. Wahba earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a focus in International Business and Relations at the University of Florida.

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